
Win a Nintendo gaming bundle with ‘Animal Crossing New Horizons’

You’ll finally understand all the turnip hysteria.

Photo of Lauren Forgione

Lauren Forgione

Nintendo bundle

Still trying to make sense of Defeat Tom Nook? Then you have landed on the right giveaway page! Since pretty much the entire world is playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons on Nintendo Switch, this is as good a time as any to try and get on the same page as the rest of society. This Nintendo Gaming Bundle Giveaway is valued at $1000 and could be yours for $0.

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Instead of just reading meme roundups, you could be playing New Horizons on your new Switch while using your new headphones (so you don’t disturb anyone you’re still stuck in the house with), and then buying some new games with your $300 gift card to the Nintendo eShop.

Yup, that’s right: This bundle includes not only a Nintendo Switch console and a copy Animal Crossing New Horizons but also a set of Logitech’s wireless 7.1 Dolby surround sound headphones, as well as enough gift card funds to go on a little gaming spree. Even if you don’t consider yourself much of a gamer, you’ll undoubtedly wind up hooked just like everyone else. But even if for some impossible-to-imagine reason you don’t lose track of time playing Animal Crossing, you’re sure to find something more your speed in the Nintendo eShop.

You might be surprised at how much joy playing video games brings to your life—why not try to find out? The Nintendo Gaming Bundle Giveaway is your opportunity. Enter now for your chance to escape to a relaxing virtual island and immerse yourself in the sounds of the game to forget, for a little while at least, about the craptastic year it’s been so far.


Do you have your stay-at-home essentials? Here are some you may have missed.