
Family’s football freakouts turn into viral-video gold

Being a fan of a professional football team is a masochistic enterprise. 

Photo of Fidel Martinez

Fidel Martinez

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Being a fan of a professional football team is a masochistic enterprise.

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Given the parity of the NFL—”any given Sunday,” as opposed to college football, where a handful of teams have a realistic chance of winning the national championship—chances are your team’s season will end in disappointment. In my case, as a lifelong Dallas Cowboys fan, that has been the case for more than 15 years.

That’s why the following YouTube video uploaded by user BionicHeeHaw is equally hilarious and strikes a little too close to home. BionicHeeHaw filmed his friend, his brother, and their father for the entire 2012 football season. According to his Reddit post, where it has garnered more than 3,400 upvotes and 2,300 on r/NFL and r/videos combined, they root for the Seattle Seahawks, Philadelphia Eagles, and the Dallas Cowboys, respectively.

The end result is a clip in which the whole spectrum of emotions—anger, joy, excitement, sadness—is covered.



Every single thing about this video is spot on. From the multiple laptops out—you have to keep tabs on how your fantasy football team is doing, bro—to the dad cursing out Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo (unjustly) and their coach, Jason Garrett (fire him!) only to have him cheering ecstatically (3:55 mark) when his team scores.


The 2013 season can’t come soon enough.