
New ‘Doctor Who’ alien lurks out of the shadows

The ninth season of Doctor Who will involve this new monster. But what is it meant to be?

Photo of Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

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As Doctor Who season approaches once again, we celebrate one of the grand old traditions of Whovianism: the revelation of the new aliens.

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Each season introduces one or two new monsters along with old stalwarts like the Daleks, and the latest is some kind of… rusty robot lobster astronaut.

The official Doctor Who Twitter account teased the new monster on Tuesday, posting a shadowy picture of its head.


Then the next day, we got to see a full photo. Is there something humanoid inside that armor or an entirely new alien? Or could it be some kind of robot? We won’t know for a while yet, as the new series is still filming.


The ninth season is due to air sometime this fall, beginning with a season premiere written by showrunner Steven Moffat. Game of Thrones actress Maisie Williams is joining the cast for a two-part episode, with Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman reprising their roles as the Twelfth Doctor and his companion Clara Oswald.

Photo via doctorwhobbc/Twitter
