
The Morning GIF: The WikiLeaks bounce

Julian Assange on a trampoline, in his pre-embassy days.

Photo of Lorraine Murphy

Lorraine Murphy

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Here at the Daily Dot, we swap GIF images with each other every morning. Now we’re looping you in. In the Morning GIF, we feature a popular—or just plain cool—GIF we found on Reddit, Canvas, or elsewhere on the Internet

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Julian Assange: terrorist mastermind or Internet freedom fighter? The world may never agree on which box in which to file the controversial WikiLeaks founder. Unless he undergoes a personality transplant, there will be no meeting in the middle either, most things middle-of-the-road being anathema to those of a WikiLeaksian nature.

As he chills in his Ecuador-by-way-of-Knightsbridge embassy digs, his followers have all but guaranteed that today he will win the People’s Choice Human Rights Award: Currently Assange has more than 1,400 votes, and the nearest competition has just over 500. The site explains, “By participating in the selection of the People’s Choice Honoree, you can take part in the exciting effort to recognize the hardworking people who uphold the values enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. You nominate. You vote. You decide.” Might as well go ahead and clear some space in the awards case, Jules: This one’s as locked down as you are.


Remember the old days? The days of ankle-braceleted moderated freedom? The days when you could stomp all over Vaughn Smith‘s trampoline in winklepickers while making world-changing phone calls and nobody would say boo? Do you remember why the caged bird sings, Julian?

GIF via Heart First Julian/