
Moms of Instagram: A look inside this unstoppable online community

The Moms of Instagram are the most amazing online community there is. This is my attempt to join them.

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Every time a baby is born, a social media mom gets her wings.

There are many joys of being a new mother, but clearly the biggest perk is joining the most amazing online community there is: the Moms of Instagram. These women are unstoppable. They have Etsy shops, they write blogs, their fashion is on point, they dress their babies like adults, they understand art, and most of all, THEY ARE BIRTHING AND RAISING TINY PEOPLE. When American poet M. Elliott said, “Ain’t no shame, ladies do yo thang, just make sure you ahead of the game,” she was talking about the Moms of Instagram. I follow 369 Instagram accounts, roughly 200 of which are hip moms. 



For those of you who don’t have the pleasure of knowing this community, I’ll lay down a quick lesson. The Moms of Instagram speak their own hashtag language: #momsofinstagram #fashionkidz #stylishmum #momblogger #mominheels #fashionminimodels #flawless #babymocassins. They are fueled by Starbucks and fancy pastries, win every Instagram contest they enter, have minors in photography, cook meals with more than four ingredients, and do it all in moccasins.


Through all of this, they always find the time to support one another’s Instagram’s posts, usually through kissy face emoticons. The Mom of Instagram is the modern woman, and she gives us a look into her world through Rise-filtered glasses. 



I am the recent mother of two perfect guinea pigs, Mars and Jupiter. While they are not exactly human babies, I’ve decided to wholeheartedly ignore that fact and start my own Instagram. I have spent countless hours of research studying the Moms of Instagram in their natural habitat after my fiancé falls asleep. Through this research I have learned there is a simple yet very important formula to their Insta-magic.

Using this formula, I created my own #momsofinstagram account to try to infiltrate this community I so admire. You can do it too! As long as you LMS (like my stuff). Sorry, but I already clalmed the name Proud.Mom.of.2. You snooze, you lose.

Obviously you want amazing photos of your baybays.



Just don’t forget to use filters and borders. Art doesn’t hang only in museums.


Show that even though you’re a mom, you’re still your own person.



With a great sense of humor.


Who loves to drink…



…and make smoothies.


Always have a chalkboard wall.



Make sure to show your partner being sensitive with the babes.


But that doesn’t mean you two don’t love going out. 



Display your kiddos’ personality. 

Most importantly, though: Always have your nails done. 



And a chalkboard wall. 


To all the mommas out there: I sincerely enjoy your Instagrams. Thank you. All of your babies are perfect and I love them. I’m sorry that I saved a few of the photos to my phone. 


Claire Meyer is one half of the @WeFoughtAbout Twitter. The Awkward Phase Tumblr, which she co-runs, would love it if you sent in a photo/story celebrating your most awkward years. You can submit here.

Photo via Wikimedia Commons

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