The Metal Gear series has been around since 1987 and has affected countless fans. Konami on Tuesday uploaded a video showing creator Hideo Kojima talk to developers, journalists, and visiting the home of one particular fan to show just how impactful the series is.
It’s hard to imagine what video games would be like without Metal Gear. Which makes it all the more sad that Kojima is leaving the series not on the best terms. There has been quite the hullabaloo between Kojima and Konami. From falling outs to terrible work conditions, things have not been looking great. But the video above does highlight what inspired the development team to push forward and ship the best an elite product on time.
And looking at how well Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain has been received, not only from us, but from critics alike, the last hurrah for Kojima’s Metal Gear will be his best.
Screengrab via KONAMI573ch/YouTube