This story was originally published on Passionfruit.
For much of Tony Weaver Jr.’s (@tonyweaverjr) career, integrity has remained both a guiding principle and a catalyst for his success as a manga writer, a creator with over 758,000 followers across social media, and an entrepreneur. As the CEO and founder of the production company Weird Enough Productions, the Atlanta-based 29-year-old strives to positively represent characters of color with rich stories that illustrate their complex range of emotions.
In 2020, Weaver launched his first print manga series, The UnCommons, which tells the story of a group of diverse, unique superheroes—led by its protagonist Iris, who has received a vision of the end of the world. Iris’s character design features relatable, personal touches—including a bonnet that magically appears on her head when she goes to sleep. Since January 2023, the series is exclusively digitally distributed on the comics platform Webtoon. …