
Han Solo shooting scene changed yet again, spawning ‘Maclunkey’ memes

The edit can be seen in the Disney+ version of ‘A New Hope.’

Photo of Libby Cohen

Libby Cohen


Longtime Star Wars fans know that A New Hope has evolved over time–specifically, one scene featuring Han Solo and Greedo. Now, with the launch of the newest streaming service Disney+, the scene has changed yet again.

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In the original 1977 version, Han Solo shoots bounty hunter Greedo after a tense exchange of words. Over time, director George Lucas has altered who shoots first. In the 2019 version seen on Disney+, Greedo now shouts “maclunkey” before Han Solo shoots him–and no one knows what it means.

The edit was first spotted by the Star Wars Visual Comparisons Twitter account, which is dedicated to tweeting about all of the visual changes made to the original Star Wars films. In the new edit, Greedo has captions for everything he says, except for “maclunkey,” adding to the confusion.

Lucasfilm confirmed with Vanity Fair that the “maclunkey” edit was made at least seven years ago, but was just debuted with the Disney+ launch.


In 1997, Lucas controversially altered the scene for the first time to have Greedo shoot first instead of Han Solo, according to Vulture. In 2004, the scene was changed yet again to have both characters shoot at the same time. A Disney+ spokesperson told the Daily Dot that the addition of “maclunkey” was an intentional change made by Lucas.


Some Twitter users found hilarity in the newest change, even turning “maclunkey” into a meme.

Twitter user @ditzkoff replaced “maclunkey” with “OK Boomer” in his rendition of the new scene. Another added the word to other iconic scenes in the original Star Wars trilogy.

“Maclunkey is Huttese for Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself,” Twitter user @blainecapatch wrote.




Even Stephen King jumped in on the conversation “just because it’s so weirdly funny.”





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