The internet is home to many a wife guy: the curvy wife guy, the cliff wife guy, the fajita wife guy. And now, a new wife guy has joined the ranks.
Meet the long Furby wife guy.
On Sunday, Johnny Chiodini tweeted that, like any good wife guy, he loves his wife. But the long Furby she’s been crafting for a friend’s birthday is making his home life “very uncomfortable.”
Here’s a closer look.
Chiodini also shared an image of the long furby’s skeleton.
The tweet has currently earned over 100,000 likes and 16,000 retweets. Many were quick to point out the long Furby’s companion, a screaming cat.

Chiodini explained that a hissing face is actually the cat’s default look.
That may be true, but we can’t help but notice that the hissing picture he shared is also one where the cat appears beside the long Furby.
While some expressed horror, others admired the long Furby. One apparent Furby enthusiast even asked if Chiodini’s wife was looking for new friends— and shared several photos of her own.
Chiodini’s wife isn’t alone in her long furby fascination. In fact, long Furbies have been taking the Internet by storm since as early as 2018.
While many people find Furbies downright terrifying, Furby fandom has offered much comfort to the neurodiverse and differently-abled.
One enthusiastic Furby modifier even put together a Furlexa—that’s right a Furby that can quite literally spy on you, er, assist you with with Amazon orders and tell you the weather.
Love them or hate them, Furbies of all shapes and sizes are here to stay.
As for long Furby wife guy, we hope he adjusts to his new normal soon.