There’s a famous Far Side comic by Gary Larsen, where two gorillas are sitting in the jungle eating bananas and one says, “You know, Sid I really like bananas… I mean, I know that’s not profound or nothin’… Heck! We ALL do… But for me, I think it goes much more beyond that.”
That is exactly how the kid in this YouTube video feels about fire trucks.
All little kids love fire trucks and hate wearing pants. That’s just science. But this little guy really loves fire trucks. If Pee-Wee Herman asked this kid, “If you love fire trucks so much why don’t you marry one?!” He would probably ask if that’s okay.
Also, assuming it’s the same kid, he’s come a long way since this video, where he could only say “Dada.”
With that out of the way, let’s ask one quick question about what is going on in this room.
Why is his dresser sad? Is is because there are no fire trucks in there?
It should be happier.
Oh and don’t worry, the fire truck was there to check a hydrant.
This kid was not excited his house was burning down.