
Kyle Rittenhouse being called a ‘little boy’ prompts outraged comparisons to the coverage of Black teens

People pointed to how Trayvon Martin and Tamir Rice were treated.

Photo of Siobhan Ball

Siobhan Ball

tamir rice and trayvon martin

Former Florida District Attorney Pam Bondi spoke on Fox News on Tuesday, where she described 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse—who allegedly shot three people, killing two, at the Kenosha protests—as “a little boy trying to protect his community.” Kenosha, Wisconsin, however, is not Rittenhouse’s community at all, as he crossed the state line from Illinois in order to attend the protest, carrying a gun he was not legally old enough to possess.

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Bondi’s characterization of Rittenhouse as a child has produced angry comparisons between the media’s handling of the 17-year-old who shot three people and the numerous Black teenagers who have been treated like “menacing adults” despite no crimes having been committed.

Many Republicans/conservatives treat Trayvon Martin, 17,  and Tamir Rice, 12,  with contempt, deeming them to be grown men who got it coming. But accused murderer Kyle Rittenhouse is a “little boy.”
Hey  @GOP ,  Why are you painting Kyle Rittenhouse as some kid who just made an innocent mistake?  While Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, and so many others are portrayed as menacing adults.  I'm sure it has nothing to do with the color of their respective skins...
Just so we’re all clear, Kyle Rittenhouse, white male age 17, who murdered 2 people, is a child, and Tamir Rice, a Black male age 12, who murdered zero people, was a man.The fact that you have to say IS when referring to Kyle Rittenhouse and WAS when referring to Tamir Rice should tell you everything you need to know about white privilege.
The Rightwing mindset:  Trayvon Martin walking home with Skittles & tea = grown man up to no good  Tamir Rice playing in a park = grown man who knew that toy gun looked real  Kyle Rittenhouse drove to another state illegally armed with an assault rifle = little boy trying to help

In particular, people referenced 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, who was shot by George Zimmerman as he walked home carrying a packet of skittles and a bottle of iced tea, and Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old boy who was shot for playing with a toy gun in an open-carry state.

A 17 year old boy who traveled across state lines and killed two people is a “little boy”  Trayvon Martin was 17. Tamir Rice was 12. They were “threats”
Trayvon Martin was a little boy buying candy.  Tamir Rice was a little boy playing with a toy gun.
Tamir Rice was an *actual* “little boy” - and he was unarmed and didn’t kill anyone.

Black children are generally perceived as older than they actually are by white Americans. This is frequently used to justify violence against them, as well as harsher treatment than their white peers in a criminal justice setting. Meanwhile, white 17-year-olds who are accused of murder are granted the privilege of being seen as children, ones who made a mistake but are trying their best.

"According to  @FoxNews  Trayvon Martin, coming back from buying skittles, was a "Thug" when he was killed by George Zimmerman.  But the 17 year old white kid with an assault weapon is a "little boy".  Skittles, Hoodie, Black = Thug Asault weapon, murder = little boy" picture of Trayvon Martin smiling
It robs our black youth of their innocence. When we see black children esp boys older than what they actually are we treat them as such. Tamie Rice is an example.. idk why for whatever reason they thought that little boy was waiving a REAL gun when really it was just a toy Crying face
"Tamir Rice was 12 when the police shot and killed him. They handcuffed his older sister when she tried to help him and let him die with no medical attention. According to the state, this murder was justified, even though Ohio is an open carry state." screenshot of an instagram post featuring a little white girl in a blue dress with a toy gun and the caption "A young girl wears a toy weapon at a 2nd amendment rally at the Michigan State Capital"
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