
This kindergartener’s class project is the cutest weather report on YouTube

He REALLY loves Pokémon.

Photo of Kris Seavers

Kris Seavers

Kindergartener Carden Corts produced the cutest weather report in history.

A kindergartener from Nashville, Tennessee, might be the cutest weatherman in history.

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Carden Corts (who already has a great TV name) racked up over 500,000 views on YouTube Wednesday with his school project, a weather forecast produced with the help of his video professional dad.

In the video, Corts hits all the marks of an A-worthy weather report. Off the bat, he correctly pronounces the word “meteorologist,” then charismatically demonstrates how to respond to inclement weather against backgrounds whirled up with a “weather simulator.” He even gives the highs and low temperatures for the day at his school, Waverly Belmont Elementary.


There’s also a fun intermission where he hypes up his sponsor, Pokémon cards.

Corts’ unequivocal enthusiasm is contagious. If only all weather forecasts were this entertaining.

H/T Mashable