
Can someone explain how this Kickstarter for metal balls raised $500,000?


Photo of Miles Klee

Miles Klee

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Look, I’m not against people following their passions and voting with their wallets. But on the Internet, as IRL, there comes a moment when you have to ask yourself what the hell is wrong with humanity. And that moment is when a Kickstarter for metal spheres raises more than $500,000.

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Seriously, I defy anyone to explain how this campaign for “Aerospace Grade Spheres: Titanium + Oligodynamic Copper”—which, by the way, was only asking for $5,000 and has added a wide variety of other metal spheres as its funding has soared—could be anywhere near this popular. It’s a Kickstarter for fancy paperweights.


Can someone please explain this? I feel like I’m going crazy here. I can only hope, or pray to whatever god may exist, that the designer can help me understand.

Well, other than conjuring the image of a Nicholas Sparks book cover with this dude kissing a blob of solid copper, that doesn’t really clarify things. Our last, best hope for illumination has to be…the backers themselves.


OK, then. That settles it. This campaign makes no sense whatsoever, and everyone involved is literally an alien. Or could it be that I’m the weird one?

