
New York Jets quarterback pizza-shamed for ordering Domino’s

Pizza Hut would have killed for this publicity.

Photo of Josh Katzowitz

Josh Katzowitz

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It goes without saying—or should go without saying—that when you’re in New York, you don’t order pizza from a chain. No matter how mediocre your pizza options are in the Big Apple (and there are plenty of mediocre pizza parlors) it’s going to be at least 100 times better than the best that a nationwide brand has to offer.

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But in the case of New York Jets rookie quarterback Bryce Petty—a 24-year-old who hails from Midlothian, Texas—all it took was a relatively clever and convenient marketing plan to be led astray from true culinary delight. Let his ignorance overwhelm you:


The online reaction to this pronouncement was appropriately swift and merciless.

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Either way, do you really want to order pizza from a chain that, as Donald Trump might say, is the high end of the low-quality pizzerias?

Oh, and by the way, Bryce, when you do come to your senses and order a real New York pizza, do not eat it with a fork and knife.

Thankfully, it appears Petty has learned his lesson.



Photo via apasciuto/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

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