
The memes that led to Harvard rescinding 10 offer letters are worse than you imagined

These are possibly more graphic than you imagined.

Photo of David Covucci

David Covucci

harvard memes

Ten students who were slated to attend Harvard this fall had their offers rescinded after the university discovered a secret meme group they were involved with. From a general Harvard meme Facebook page, a group message called “Harvard memes for horny bourgeoise teens” and a spin-off titled “General Fuckups” developed, where students posted memes the school felt it could not be associated with. Naturally, after the news broke yesterday, everyone wondered just how offensive the memes truly were, and know we have the answer.

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The Tab, which covers college communities, was able to get its hands on some of the memes, and consider yourself warned: They are incredibly crude, racist, and deeply disturbing. Topics in the meme group included: Having sex with babies, the Holocaust, lynching people of other races, and bestiality. The following were posted to “General Fuckups,” a spinoff of the “horny bourgeoisie teens” group.

You can see more of the memes over at the Tab. According to BuzzFeed, which spoke with some members of the group—and published some of the memes kids used to gain entry into the secret groups—the memes were originally benign and all in good fun before taking a very dark turn.


“For the first like four months it was great,” one student said. “Just wholesome memes and discussions about life. Just like an open forum for people to chat.”

In a statement about the matter to BuzzFeed, Harvard officials said they do not comment on individual admissions, but that they “[reserve] the right to withdraw an offer of admission under the following conditions, which are clearly expressed to students upon their admission.”

H/T BuzzFeed