
Celebrity hair transplant doctor suspended after declaring he’s Jesus

The hair surgeon of can discern the Divine by “staring at the sun endlessly.”

Photo of Aja Romano

Aja Romano

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Hair doctor Brett Bolton has a lot to be thankful for today. For starters, he’s God—or so he’s been declaring in a series of online posts, videos, and comments before having his medical license suspended for the second time in 11 years.

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The former celebrity doctor, whose hair transplants have appeared on Good Morning America, also attacked a man at the 9/11 museum after God reportedly told him the man was a pedophile. 

Bolton uploaded a video last week in which he declared that he is “the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.”

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The website,, also includes the following bizarre opening rant:

My name is Dr. Brett Bolton I love GOD with all of my heart and soul and there is not anything in the world that I would not do for GOD, he is everything to me! My first encounter with GOD was on Sunday, August 21, 2011. I have ben in direct communication ever since. On September 11, 2011 at 9:11p.m GOD told me that “I am the son of GOD. The son of GOD is NOT GOD!!! There is only one GOD, and that is GOD and that is period!!!~ I will be able to prove this by staring at the sun endlessly.

The 9/11 connection might explain why the doctor who gave former Backstreet Boy A.J. Maclean a hair transplant traveled to the 9/11 Memorial Museum in New York in September, where he attacked a random stranger who was exiting a bathroom stall. 

The doctor reported that God had spoken to him and informed him the man was a pedophile. He was transported to the psychiatric ward of Bellevue hospital


In response to Bolton’s increasingly erratic behavior, the state of Tennessee suspended his medical license on Tuesday. Devin M. Wells, an attorney for the Tennessee Department of Health, told the Tennesseean that his personality change had alarmed his employees:

“Dr. Bolton’s staff had been noticing changes in his behavior — him doing strange things like believing he was Jesus Christ, dressing all in white and asking everybody if God asked them to kill someone would they do that.”

In 2003, the state of Ohio revoked Bolton’s medical license after he was convicted in a federal Florida court of 19 counts of misapplication of funds in connection with a tribal casino. The 2003 conviction had no connection to the current suspension of Bolton’s license, which the Tennesseean described as an “emergency action.” 

A physician who visited Bolton’s residence last month found Bolton babbling in a “manic” state, and determined that he had broken bones in his feet sustained from falling on his deck—possibly while staring endlessly at the sun.  


On his ProofofGod website, Bolton creates a numerology code in which he postulates that numbers are messages from God, including “Reincarnation Good” and “Reincarnation Bad.” He decides that the number eight, or a double four, represents “Yeshua,” and since he is 44 this year, he is Yeshua.

So far, his website doesn’t explain why, out of all the other 44-year-olds on the planet, God deemed him the new Jesus; but it’s possible more updates will be coming. 

Update 11:42am CT, Jan. 26: Dr. Bolton provided the following statement to the Daily Dot. 

I am extremely apologetic for my extremely out of character behavior.  I had an undiagnosed illness that caused my erratic behavior. I have undergone treatment and I am doing well now. My disease never caused harm to any of my patients in either of my medical practices. I continue to maintain my medical practice in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, which is in good standing and always has been since its inception. I have been in medical practice for 18 years without a single patient complaint, or medical violation. I truly apologize for any distress I have caused for anyone involved in my situation.


H/T Raw Story | Photo via Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0); Screengrab via YouTube | Remix by Aja Romano