
This goat standing on a donkey to get food was made for the Internet

Don’t let goats fool you, their strength lies not in their agility, but their manipulation of other livestock. 

Photo of Greg Seals

Greg Seals

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Goats, continuing their bid for preeminent Web darlings, have already displayed an impressive amount of agility.

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First, it was a handstanding goat that caught the attention of the Internet. From there our cloven hoofed friends showed us they weren’t kidding around as they attempt balancing routines on yoga balls and inflatable chairs, completed feats of goat-on-goat parkour, and surfed on a piece of bendable metal.

Yet, goats have appealed to our bleating hearts by showing us that their true strength lies not in physical prowess, but their minds. Case in point, this goat using a humble donkey to get at those crabapple trees he desires so badly. 


It’s only a matter of time before we become the donkey in this video, as goats continue their march for world Web dominance. 

H/T LaughingSquid | Photo via slengfjes/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)