
Enjoy the fact you’re not this poor goalie who just took a hockey stick to the nuts

This looks immensely painful.

Photo of Josh Katzowitz

Josh Katzowitz

hockey nut shot new jersey devils keith kinkaid

Playing sports is dangerous. You can get whacked in the balls by a bloodthirsty cricketer. You can accidently crush your own testicles by playing golf. Or you can smash your penis on a pole and knock yourself out of the Olympics.

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But a sharp-bladed slice to the sack might be the worst thing of all, especially if you happen to be New Jersey Devils goalie Keith Kinkaid. In fact, it might be the worst thing you’ve ever seen.

Enjoy watching it. And enjoy the fact that it’s not you writhing around in pain on the ice.


As one announcer said, Kinkaid “may need some time” to get over the pain. Yes, he probably needs LOTS of time. And, frankly, so do we.

H/T the Comeback