Attention kids: never mess around with an animal when they’re just chilling and minding their own business, because life may just smack you with a face full of karma when you least expect it.
One little girl learned that lesson the hard way when, after stomping around a cat just minding its own business, she was attacked by said cat because it was understandably pissed off.
The best part comes immediately after the incident, as the little girl runs away, believing that she’s safe—only to flip over a small wall and land right on her face.
Sweet, sweet karma.
You can imagine the cat going, “Never fuck with me again,” after witnessing what just occurred.
So, just in case you didn’t get the moral of the video: never mess around with an animal, or you too may find yourself falling hard, face-first, into some grass.
Photo via Moyan Brenn/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)