
There’s never been a better time to find an internet pen pal

The joy of slow correspondence.

Photo of Matt Silverman

Matt Silverman

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Email, texting, and social media have made our world smaller. But have we lost something in the age of instant messages?

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Maksim Jovovic created the website Get A Pen Pal, a place to match with someone interesting from anywhere in the world and engage in slow, deliberate letter-writing.

Sure, the communication is still digital, but these “letters” take days to go back and forth, use collectible stamps, and encourage rich communication, rather than just, “sup?”

This week on 2 GIRLS 1 PODCAST, Alli and Jen ask Jovovic about his inspiration for the site, the community that’s growing there, and why now is the perfect time to rekindle the magic of corresponding with pen pals.


His recent Reddit AMA has also brought many new “pals” to the site.

Listen to episode 145 of #2G1P here:


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