There are a lot of ways to get over a breakup. Trying to score a date with Gaston, however, might not be the best way, as one recently dumped woman learned while on a recent trip at Disney World.
In a viral TikTok video of the daily character parade at Disney World, uploaded by TikToker @nots0swift, a woman calls out to Beauty and the Beast character as he walks by, asking: “Gaston, my boyfriend just broke up with me. Will you go out with me?”
Though it’s not clear what reaction she is expecting from the cartoon womanizer, it clearly isn’t the simple—yet devastating—rejection the actor delivers. Throwing her an arrogant smile, he replies, “Sorry. I’m looking for the most beautiful woman in town.”
“Did I just get roasted?” she asks, looking into the camera in obvious shock.
Commenters are in agreement that, yes, she did indeed get roasted.

While the video wasn’t posted to the woman’s TikTok account, she also has one and has since addressed the roast of the century on it. The TikToker, @gfoltzinator or Grace, seems to be taking the very public rejection in stride.
The worst part, she says? “People from high school remembering I exist.”

The Daily Dot has reached out to both TikTokers.
H/T Mirror