It’s getting a little chilly in here. Fortnite’s latest patch, Update 7.30, is live now, and it’s brought some exciting changes with it that you won’t want to miss, including a chiller grenade.
Fortnite update 7.30: How to play the Solid Gold limited-time mode

The latest Fortnite patch introduces a new limited-time mode called Solid Gold. Obviously, it will only be available for a short time in-game, so you’ll have to play it as soon as possible if you won’t want to miss out. “All things that glitter are gold in this Limited Time Mode!” said Epic Games of Solid Gold. That’s because every weapon drop you find is legendary. This means you’ll have far more opportunities to find powerful weapons and items than you normally would. You’ll also receive an increased amount of materials when you go about gathering items.
To access the Solid Gold limited-time mode, all you need to do is choose the game type from the main menu. It’s easily accessible from there now that the latest update has been released. You’ll enter matchmaking and eventually a game, just like the rest of the Fortnite game modes currently available.
How to get and use the Chiller Grenade

The Chiller Grenade is an ice-based grenade that’ll wreak havoc upon your opponents. It can knock enemies back and cause them to slide away from you, but it can also affect your own teammates and vehicles. The effect lasts for seven seconds, which is certainly long enough to take you off your game if you’re not careful, so use them wisely.
When you find a Chiller Grenade out in the world, just equip it and throw at your target. Be sure to throw it quickly, as it will explode immediately on contact. As you can see, it resembles a small snowman head so it’s difficult to miss when you happen upon one.

Though the Chiller Trap (above) was previously Vaulted, its effects live on in the Chiller Grenade. The grenade is capable of icing enemy feet, which is essentially the same effect that landing on the trap would give. Of course, enemies will still be able to unload an entire clip into you even when sliding around on the map, but this grenade can offer some pretty useful tactics for you otherwise. Losing traction on the battlefield can be a frustrating and debilitating move, especially if a Victory Royale is close at hand.
The Chiller Grenade is common, and it drops in stacks of three to a max stack size of six. You can find it in Fortnite from both Vending Machines and Floor Loot in-game, so they’re more ubiquitous than you might think.
Fortnite update 7.30: Vaulted weapons

As of update 7.30 for Fortnite, four weapons were Vaulted: the bolt-action sniper rifle, burst rifle, heavy shotgun, and SMG (common, uncommon, and rare). In their stead, the suppressed SMG has been removed from the vault and added back into the game. There’s no telling when we might see these four weapons again in the future, but like Epic Games has proven by adding the suppressed SMG back into the mix, Vaulting is usually not permanent. Hopefully none of those guns were your go-to weapons.
Fortnite update 7.30: Mobile controller support

As of update 7.30, Epic Games has implemented mobile controller support for Fortnite players who enjoy the game on the go. For Android users, most Bluetooth controller adapter like the Gamevice, Razer Raiju, and SteelSeries Stratus XL controllers can now be used with their mobile devices. For iOS users, MFi controllers such as the Gamevice and SteelSeries Nimbus may now be attached.
This is a big win for players who get most of their games in via their mobile devices, so if you’re someone who prefers to get their Victory Royales to go, you’ll no longer be relegated to using on-screen controls. This should level the playing field considerably.
For additional details on what Fortnite’s latest patch has to offer, check out Epic Games’ official blog on the topic.