
Jake Paul gives you a new reason to hate him with ‘England is my city’

This video has 77 million views.

Photo of Jay Hathaway

Jay Hathaway

england is my city meme jake paul

After bleach-blonde YouTuber Jake Paul was fired from his role on the Disney Channel for terrorizing his L.A. neighbors with loud parties, pyrotechnic pranks and hordes of fans, he found a whole new audience of people who love to hate him. Digging into his past work, though, turned up something more hilarious than Paul’s self-inflicted downfall: a rapper who claims “England is my city.”

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Paul’s hubristic rap anthem, “It’s Everyday Bro,” sucks. It’s just a litany of all his undeserved successes, and it literally includes the line “It’s everyday, bro, with the Disney Channel flow.” It has been watched more than 77 million times on YouTube.

Where it really goes off the rails, though, is in the second verse, by Paul’s British YouTube homie (and fellow member of “Team 10”) Nick Crompton. “Yes I can rap / and no I’m not from Compton / England is my city …”


*record scratch noise*

Hold up, my dude. England is a country. Which you should know, because you were born there.

The meme community, already aligned against Paul, was not about to let Crompton slide on this one. “England is my city” jokes are everywhere.

england is my city wikipedia entry
nick crompton cartoon meme
nick brompton icarly meme


Perhaps the best part of this whole saga is that Crompton didn’t even write the line. Jake Paul did, and he’ll freely admit it:

Crompton, whose city is actually Manchester, likely knew full well that “England is my city” was stupid, but decided that grabbing some of Paul’s star power was worth making an ass of himself online. Seventy million YouTube views later, that calculation looks pretty smart.
