Internet Culture

‘The Thrift Witch’ started making TikTok videos for fun—now she has over 80K followers

Marissa Gabriel is known for her mini-vlogs of thrift finds, coffee, and food recipes.

Photo of Grace Stanley

Grace Stanley

A woman smiling into camera.

We’re reaching out to some popular creators to get their best tips and tricks for success and better understand the ups and downs of life as a trailblazer on the internet.

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This week, we caught up with Marissa Gabriel, also known as “the thrift witch,” via email. Despite feeling like she is “just starting out,” she has impressively amassed over 83,600 followers on TikTok. There, she creates aesthetically pleasing mini-vlogs of thrift finds, coffee, and food recipes.

The interview below has been condensed and edited.

What’s the first thing you do to start your day online? 


The first thing I do is check my comment section on TikTok to answer any burning questions I received through the night.

What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out as a creator? 

To be honest I still feel like I’m “just starting out” and I have many lessons to learn. Right now, I wish I knew more about marketing and business because I’m lost in that aspect. But I’ve been doing my research and I’m getting there!

When did you realize you’d broken through and become a successful creator? 


I’m still in shock that brands have reached out to me to collaborate! I started making TikToks for fun and I never could have imagined the amount of love and support people have expressed for these videos. 

If you hadn’t become a creator, what would you be doing right now? 

I’m still currently bartending so that’s probably what I’d be doing if I wasn’t creating. 

What’s one thing you do to manage your relationship with your fans?


I try to answer any and every question, but also reply to all comments. If someone takes even a second of their day to comment I want them to know they’re not only heard but so appreciated!

What do you think of the idea of cancel culture?

People make mistakes…some worse than others and it is significantly amplified when you have an online presence. To me it all depends on how you respond to the scandal that canceled you.

How much of your true self do you show online? 


It’s funny because physically speaking I rarely show more of myself than my hands, but my whole heart is in these videos whether it be my morning coffee, my thrifted home, my cat or simply responding to comments. It’s all about being my true self! 

What’s one of the best interactions you’ve ever had with someone who follows you? 

It definitely has to be the people I’ve noticed that have been here since the beginning! People who comment and tell you how successful you’ll be when you don’t even fully believe it yourself are the ultimate supporters.

What is your most treasured tool? 


My cheap little tripod and good lighting! I swear by both of them!

What holds you accountable?

The future.. Where I am now and where I want to be! My family that believes in me and my very supportive followers.

Thank you, Marissa, for talking with us! 


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