
The rare Pepe trade is booming on Craigslist

These Pepes show up only once in a lifetime.

Photo of Gabe Bergado

Gabe Bergado

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For many meme aficionados, finding the rarest of Pepes is an all-consuming search. Big Pepes. Small Pepes. Nicki Minaj Pepes. The world of Pepes is expansive, and the hunt for the most unique is often a grueling one. 

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But now people have turned to Craigslist in the hopes of find the rarest Pepes of all. Most recently, a collector in New York City has offered top dollar for the rarest Pepes available.

It’s unclear if the request has resulted in any new acquisitions. The post title offers $50, which strikes most as a low price indeed for high-caliber Pepes. Perhaps the buyer needs to make clear that he or she can pay more if the right Pepe is presented.Meanwhile, someone in Waukesha, Wisconsin, is selling a rare Pepe for a mere $15. Truly a steal for this especially rare Pepe!


This Pepe is an IRL painting, a rare Pepe indeed. Look at those delicate strokes, culminating in a true masterpiece. Someone must jump on this offer before it disappears. 


Out west in Riverside, California, another intriguing Pepe has surfaced. On one side of a binder is a deliciously singular Pepe. The other side offers a Lenny Face emoticon. Sandwiched between the two memes are many papers.

$100 may sound like a lot, but with the addition of a Lenny Face, this purchase is more than worthwhile.

Craigslist has become a go-to bazaar where rare Pepe traders and collectors can find one another and team up in the search for the most extraordinary Pepes on the planet. A post titled “Seeking Rare Pepe Trader – Third Roommate / Apt Wanted” made it into Chicago’s best-of section.


But what if this was a scam to lure other Pepe traders in, only to pilfer all the Pepes?! We may never know. 

There have been countless other Pepe Craigslist posts lost into the sands of time. Thanks to the magical powers of Google Cache, we are able to see that Pepes are popping up all over the United States. Pepe Bless America.


Lexington, North Carolina. Orlando, Florida. San Antonio, Texas. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The rare Pepes are trickling into the market. It’s only a matter of time until the rarest of Pepes is finally uncovered. 

Illustration by Fernando Alfonso III