Internet Culture

This college professor is pissed his student didn’t give him credit on viral tweet

The professor got his revenge, though.

Photo of Josh Katzowitz

Josh Katzowitz

college professor tweet south dakota state
smolaw/Shutterstock (Licensed)

Kade Walker and his political science professor, Dave Wiltse, at South Dakota State seem to have a strong student-teacher rapport. As Wiltse says, they give each other shit all the time.

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But don’t cross your professor when it comes to giving credit on Twitter. Because when Walked tweeted the following, Wiltse couldn’t believe he wasn’t given a mention for his abbreviated wit.


And Wiltse’s response to the tweet that generated more than 47,000 retweets and 176,000 likes?


The crime in Wiltse’s mind was pretty simple.

Afterward, Wiltse explained Walker is one of his most favorite students and that he was being “apathetic out of affection.” He also couldn’t believe the exchange went viral.


Walker couldn’t resist giving it back to his professor.


Wiltse, though, seemingly has gotten his viral revenge. His tweet wondering why he didn’t get credit has more than twice as many retweets and favorites as Walker’s initial tweet.

The Daily Dot