Chickens can indeed be scary. The might not be very big, but they do have sharp claws and hard beaks, and well, they are just weird looking. There’s probably no bigger dichotomy of feeling than that between a person being chased by a chicken, and a person watching someone being chased by a chicken. The person being chased is always terrified. The person watching is always laughing their ass off.
So it should come as no surprise that everyone loves this video of 22-year-old Boaz Marbach, a full-time student at Purdue Fort Wayne, being chased by an angry chicken while at work.
We have a chicken at work and it loves attacking me when I let it out
— Bozy (@BroazM) October 8, 2018
“I think he chases me because he wants to impress the six girl chickens that he lives with, I get that,” Marbach told the Daily Dot via email.
If true, this ironically places Marbach in the opposite situation. He has little choice but to run away from a chicken in front of his coworkers. “It chases me because all the girls I work with are scared of him, so I’m forced to let him out,” he explained.
A chicken chasing a grown man is always hilarious, but the foggy background, and the fact that this video loops perfectly, making it appear as if Marbach is trapped running from the same bird for all of eternity. Thus far, the clip has racked up over 2 million views on Twitter and the comments keep coming. Many of them showcase exactly how terrifying chickens can be.
The revolution soon come. I pity us
— Phella (@PhellaDaFam) October 10, 2018
— spill-ina(@legendofcelink) October 10, 2018
— Mr F (@effet) October 10, 2018
It’s not just the one
— Shaun Wood (@vWood1e) October 10,
Marbach says he works at a place called the Shed Interiors, which is a home decor shop near Fort Wayne. Why such a place would have live chickens on the property is something he failed to explain.
As for how he plans to deal with the beast, Marbach says he’s going to get a little more aggressive but will stop short of frying the bird up.
“I’m not going to eat him, but I have a broom to fend him off,” he said.
We wish you the best of luck, sir. Looks like you’re going to need it.