
Cat doesn’t care if it ruins a perfect handstand

Is that the “laying feline” position?

Photo of Gabe Bergado

Gabe Bergado

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Cats think they can do whatever they want. The furry critters scratch up sofa cushions, spill over cups of water, and even disrupt their human’s yoga session. 

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In this video from the Yoga Journal Russia, one woman is just trying to record her impressive yoga skills. Then a golden little fellow strolls on up and plops himself right in front of the camera, obstructing the view from the lady’s incredible handstand. Rude much? 

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It doesn’t seem like she was super upset with the cat’s behavior. The title of the video translated into English comes out to “Cats—always the best!” along with the description of the video being an invite to a yoga event where attendees can “find the same harmony, like this cat.”


Sounds like the purrfect opportunity to destress. 

H/T Imgur | Photo via Yoga Journal Russia/Facebook