Apparently, enough people are having sex in car washes that a worker found it necessary to make a TikTok showing that they can definitely see you.
A TikTok from b_weloth_ went viral this week, and it shows a car entering the wash. It then cuts to someone in an office pointing at security footage of the car as it goes through the wash. The caption: “When the couple in the carwash hop in the backseat.”
From the worker’s hat, it appears this is a Quick Quack Car Wash, which has locations in Colorado, Utah, and Texas. It’s most likely the cameras are for insurance purposes; you can see a variety of angles on the car, but it’s hard to tell if you can actually see inside.
The TikTok has more than 12 million views, but it also brings up so many other questions. The biggest one, as echoed in the comments: “bruh theres time for that in a car wash??”
Others claimed they definitely do this. But one commenter brought things back to reality: “Bruh y’all be seeing me pressing my face into the window to smell the rainbow soap.”
The Daily Dot reached out to b_weloth_ via TikTok comment.