
Horse and puppy reunite in Budweiser’s adorable new Super Bowl ad

The beer slingers wanted to bring a tear to your eye once again.

Photo of Marisa Kabas

Marisa Kabas

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The only thing more adorable than human–animal best-friendship is animal–animal best-friendship, and the beer-slingers at Budweiser understand this. That’s why, for this year’s Super Bowl ad, they brought back their signature Clydesdale horses and the precious golden labrador puppy who brought tears to our eyes during last year’s Bowl.

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This ad has everything: A lost puppy, a loyal horse, a sad owner, a beautiful cover of the Proclaimers’ “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles),” wolf danger, and, most importantly, a touching reunion. It even has an adorable hashtag, #BestBuds.

Damn, those beer guys are good.

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What does this have to do with beer? Nothing. But we’ll excuse this blatant appeal to our emotions and say that there’s never a bad excuse to bring puppies and horses together.

Update 11:35am CT, Jan. 28: The Proclaimers are the artists behind the song “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles).”

H/T Today | Screengrab via budweiser/YouTube

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