
Someone actually built the ‘bisexual chair’

After the discovery of bisexual sitting, it was only a matter of time.

Photo of Siobhan Ball

Siobhan Ball

bisexual chair

It’s an established fact that bisexual people just can’t sit on chairs properly, so obviously, the next logical step was to design a chair just for us to accommodate our weird sitting needs.

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Brazilian artist Ma Matiazi posted her design on Instagram a month ago and now someone has gone a step further and actually built the thing.


Israel Walker, a Starbucks barista formerly of the Air Force, learned about bisexual sitting from his bisexual nonbinary daughter and her friends. Seeing how funny and true they found it, he reached out to Ma Matiazi and asked if he could make a crude version of her design. Matiazi said yes and so here we are, living in a world with a bisexual chair.

Walker’s design is a little different from Matiazi’s. It’s rougher, as he said, with shorter unfinished arms and a cutout section with a footrest replacing the two-tiered slope on the left side. That said, it’s very definitely The Chair and prototypes are always a little rough around the edges. It’s fit for purpose, as Walker’s daughter demonstrates ably in the photographs, and even Walker himself didn’t do too badly imitating the bisexual sit thanks to its help.

The post has been shared widely on Facebook, and people are loving it—bisexuals and their allies alike.


Though Facebook commenter James Pointing came along with a true galaxy brain take that turns the concept of bisexual sitting on its head: “But what if we’re really the ones sitting normally?”

Mind blown, James, mind blown.


The Daily Dot has contacted Israel Walker and will update this post if he gets back to us and tells us he has plans to start marketing the chair.


The Daily Dot