
These Christian memes for Jesus are especially dank

The memes of Christ be with you.

Photo of John-Michael Bond

John-Michael Bond

christian memes

On social news site Reddit, there’s a particular strain of Christan memes that are becoming increasingly popular—and they’re not the type of posts that your grandparents or pastor might share on Facebook.

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They’re dank memes—they just happen to revolve around the body of Christ.

What makes a meme dank? It’s hard to define, but the term is generally reserved for especially potent memes, those whose entertainment potential hasn’t been exhausted. There’s an implicit freshness to them.

That’s especially important to Reddit’s Dank Christian Memes. The community has its own commandments:


1) Dank memes only
3) Thy postings shall be about god or made by christians or something
4) Thou shalt post whatever as long as its relevant
5) Honor thy father and mother
6) Thou shalt link directly to the meme, not to twitter or a blog.

The best Christian memes for Jesus

Some memes humanize Christ:

christian memes

Screengrab via Reddit


This one might take a minute to sink in.

jesus memes

Screengrab via Reddit

The only thing worse than a pastor’s jokes is Rick Grimes’ jokes.

reddit christianity

Screengrab via Reddit


Passive aggressive Jesus: 

best jesus memes

Screengrab via Reddit

Eternal damnation without memes:

jesus memes

Screengrab via Reddit



A careful meme examination of a historical painting:

christian memes

Screengrab via Reddit


In an egg shells C deo: 

jesus memes

Screengrab via Reddit

Keep your business between you and the lord:

reddit christianity

Screengrab via Reddit


Christ Angel:

memes for jesus

Screengrab via Reddit

When your aunt won’t stop posting on your Facebook:

christian memes

Screengrab via Reddit


Sometimes the best riffs are on classic sinful memes:

jesus memes

Screengrab via Reddit

Reimagining a classic Bible story:

best jesus

Screengrab via Reddit


Keeping you accountable:

christian meme

Screengrab via Reddit

Thanks be to God for these dank memes.