A TikToker put out a video accusing Bath & Body Works of putting “dangerous” chemicals in their products.
Emily, the creator behind SilyCandleCo (@silycandleco) is an organic candle seller and TikTok content creator with 11,800 followers who regularly posts videos about candle materials. Her Nov. 20 video showing how Bath & Body Works candles may contain chemicals that can melt paint went viral, garnering over 629,500 views to date.
The video is a duet with TikTok user @krazysarai, which shows @krazysarai filming her Bath & Body Works Wallflower—the brand’s air freshener—that she suggests caused paint to melt off her cupboard.
“Friendly reminder that the same chemicals that are causing her wall to melt, are in [Bath & Body Works] candles as well,” Emily says. “And those are being burned and released into your home.”
Most candles, including Bath & Body Works candles, are made with paraffin wax. Paraffin candles can contain toxic chemicals such as toleune, a chemical found in glue, paint thinners, and disinfectants. However, the actual impact of trace amounts of such chemicals is disputed.
According to the Bath & Body Works website, their candles “undergo extensive quality and safety testing under rigorous burn and use conditions and meet or exceed all applicable industry and government standards for safety and performance.”
Emily’s condemnation of Bath & Body Works candles sparked a debate in the comment section. Some viewers said they had similar experiences with Bath & Body Works products.
“I worked at B&BW in 2000 and people constantly brought these in because they damaged anything above them and started fires. Idk how they still sell them,” says @crysteanac.
“Haven’t bought B&BW in years. It’s all toxic,” says @authentically_rachel.
Others were unconcerned about potential chemicals.
“I’m here for a good time and not a long time, may as well have my house smelling good,” says @ktbee471.
“You breathe in chemicals just by driving that car, walking outside… A wall plug won’t kill anyone,” says @heathers_03.
The Daily Dot reached out to @silycandleco and Bath & Body Works for comment.
Editor’s note: Due to a technical error, our original message to this TikToker may not have been delivered.