
Toddler can’t get enough of his father’s protein powder

This toddler who loves protein powder is ready to get buff.

Photo of David Britton

David Britton

Baby eats Arnold: Iron Mass protein powder

Protein powder is known for helping athletes and bodybuilders pack on lean muscle. What it’s not known for is tasting good. In fact, most people tend to find the taste disgusting. But hey, no pain no gain, right?

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A concept so simple a child could understand it. Or not. After all, this toddler had been wanting to try his father’s protein powder for weeks, so dad finally gave him a small taste, assuming the kid would hate it and stop asking.


No such luck. This baby is fixin’ to get swole.

After a brief moment of thoughtful consideration.

baby considers protein powder
Screengrab via Holden Fox/YouTube

The “Hug Bandit” proclaims, “It’s good!”

Baby likes protein powder
Screengrab via Holden Fox/YouTube

Looks like this kid is gonna be able to start carrying the trash out a few years early.

Some commenters on YouTube have taken the parents to task for feeding protein powder to their toddler, even if it was only a tiny amount. But, at least according to, protein powder is safe for young children as long as they aren’t lactose intolerant.

Besides, it looks like the father in question is using Arnold Schwarzenegger’s official brand of protein, and we all know the Governator would never do anything to harm a child.


Good luck getting buff, kid. Just make sure to work in some cardio every now and again.