
Watch this baby duck fall asleep with a flower on its head

We are all the baby duck!

Photo of Stacey Ritzen

Stacey Ritzen

baby duck

If there’s one thing most of us have probably noticed about the year 2020 by now, it’s that everything is very bad. Between a pandemic, democracy hanging on by a thread, civil unrest, wildfires, and so on—it’s like every headline is more nightmarish than the next. So, you’ll please understand if we just want to be distracted by a baby duck falling asleep with a flower on its head.

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Yes, a baby duck falling asleep with a flower on its head! Wearing it like a little sleepy time hat! The 20-second video (of unknown provenance) was recently introduced to the world. Twitter user @wamlart shared the video on Sunday and wrote, “if u are feeling sad pls look at this cute duck.”

Evidently the tweet resonated with plenty of people who are feeling sad and want to look at a video of a cute baby duck, because in just days the video was retweeted over a quarter of a million times.


“Oh to be a baby duck … with a flower hat … falling asleep in a garden,” wrote one Twitter user. “I would die for this mf,” added another. The video continued to go viral as others shared it—because apparently this is what we all need right now. Perhaps even you!


Not wholly surprisingly, the baby duck falling asleep with a flower on its head also began inspiring fan art.


At any rate, a baby duck falling asleep with a flower on its head is much less depressing than a baby duck who gets his head stuck in a stewed tomato, as outlined in the song “He Layeth on High.” This one is somber so it’s alright to cry.

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