Internet Culture

This week in Reddit live interviews

Comedian Aziz Ansari and astronaut Ron Garan may held the most popular AMAs (“ask me anything”) all week. 

Photo of Kevin Morris

Kevin Morris

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This week’s Reddit live interviews took us from the celestial pontifications of an astronaut to the far more Earthbound reality of living with Leukemia.

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David Croach was a long-time Redditor before recently scoring a job as the site’s new community manager. The best news of his life was followed by the worst news of his life: His doctor called. He had Leukemia. On Thursday, the site asked for Reddit’s help to find Croach a bone marrow donor. On Friday, Croach took to r/IAmA, typing up his answers on an iPad from his hospital room.

Croach’s AMA squeaked into the top seven this week, behind comedian Aziz Ansari, astronaut Roy Garan, and a guy who rode his motorcycle from The Netherlands to Nepal.

Below, we’ve compiled the top seven posts (seven being our lucky number) from Reddit’sr/IAmA this week, as voted by redditors themselves. We’ve also included a sample question and answer from each. For the complete list, check here.


A note on terminology: AMA stands for “ask me anything,” while “IAmA” is simply “I am a;” AMAA means “ask me almost anything.”

1. IAmA NASA Astronaut that recently returned to Earth after a 1/2 year in space. I’m brand new to reddit (like hours ago) AMA

Q: What DON’T you miss about earth or its inhabitants? (ImKindOfBlind)

A: It was sad to look at the indescribable beauty of the planet we have been given while thinking about the unfortunate realities of life on our planet for a significant number of her inhabitants (those that don’t have clean water to drink, food to eat and the poverty and conflict that exists). It really is a sobering contradiction.


2. I am Aziz Ansari. Comedian/actor. Thanks for having me again. AMA.

Q: When did you decide to go with the 5 dollar stand up on your website?(sphilip)

A: I recorded the special in June and paid for it myself, knowing I wanted to release it online. A few months later I was with Louis CK watching his special while he edited and he told me his plan. I wasn’t sure if it would work. It clearly did. People loved that method and immediately I was asked if I would do it so, it seemed like a smart move

3. M’athchomaroon! My name is David J. Peterson, and I’m the creator of the
Dothraki language for HBO’s Game of Thrones – AMA [x-post from r/Fantasy]

Q: Which character does the best job of speaking how you envision it? (Scottiedontdunk)


A: I thought, personally, that Dar Salim did the best job with Dothraki (or at least the parts I’m remembering). He had the best-pronounced (or most authentically-pronounced) line of the entire first season—and he pronounced like almost seconds before he was killed off. So it goes. ;)
Both Elyes Grabel and Amrita Acharia are also really good, and both Emilia Clarke and Iain Glen are appropriate, in that they’re faithfully pronouncing like a foreigner would.

4. I am a 23yr male with a rare disorder called Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita and extreme body asymmetry. AMA

Q:How did this affect your upbringing and your romantic life? (AlfredJKwak)

A: I grew up hating myself for a very long time. On top of looking like i do i grew up white in heavy heavy heavy hispanic neighborhoods. I never had friends for a long time and was pretty much a social outcast.
It wasnt until highschool when i met gothkids and found a group that loves freaks that i actually had friends and learned to accept myself for what i look like. These days im very comfortable with things and have a good assortment of friends.
Romantic wise though its a little slow. I didnt lose my virginity till i was 20 and still have a hard time getting close to people in a physical setting. I have had a couple good relationships on both sides of the gender aisle but never anything serious.


5. I rode a motorbike alone from The Netherlands to Nepal (17.000km/3months). I travelled through countries like Iran, Turkmenistan and Pakistan. AMA

Q: Did you need to seek medical attention in any country and if so, what was the experience like? (mrsavage84)

A: I crashed the bike @ 80km/h in Turkmenistan. Luckily only some bruses and scratches. The bruises were painful and in Tajikistan I showed them to a doctor. He was English, also staying at the homestay where I was staying. I did buy some medicine, stuff like Paracetamol and Ibuprofin due to muscle ache. Most stuff can be found, although sometimes the pharmacies have little stock. I had a special travel insurance so in case of emergency I would be brought back home.

6. IAmA 26-year old software engineer and I’m running for US Congress. AMA
Q: You stated in r/libertarian that taxation is theft. A member of congress makes $174,000 per year. Are you still going to cash your check if you get the job?


A: We should pay our legislatures, but nowhere near what they make. I haven’t decided to what degree, but I will be returning around half of that salary directly to the state in some way, either through a check to the state or by investing it in some charity. I’ll probably just match my current salary + whatever it costs to maintain an apartment in DC. I do plan on rooming with some friends though. That’s a sitcom waiting to happen. I will absolutely not participate in the pension plan.

7. IAmA mod of some subreddits, a novelty account, and was offered a job at reddit — then I was diagnosed with leukemia. AMA

Q:How has (if at all) the disease changed how you view life? (TLDRFORTHEPEOPLE)

A: It really hasn’t, but I guess I just haven’t given it much thought. I figure, once you start thinking about stuff like that, it’s possible to slip into negativity land. I just try to keep my days as normal as possible and not get too wrapped up in thought.


Image by David Shankbone

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