
This man’s terrible tweets about the Manchester bombing set the internet aflame

This is beyond bad.

Photo of David Covucci

David Covucci

David Leavitt tweet about Ariana Grande bombing victims

It’s perfectly naturally to want to use gallows humor to cope with what seems like a world spiraling out of control, but that’s a thing that’s best done in private. Especially in the midst of unfolding news about a terrorist attack that targets teenagers at a concert.

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One man, David Leavitt, a freelancer for CBS and Yahoo, according to his Twitter bio, ignored both those axioms and tweeted this terrible, terrible joke in response to the Ariana Grande concert bombing

david leavitt ariana grande joke
Screengrab via David Leavitt/Twitter

When it became clear—basically from the onset, but also as details emerged about the attack—that Leavitt had made light of an awful incident in an unfunny and patently bad way, he did not apologize.


Instead, he continued joking.

ariana grande joke twitter david leavitt
Screengrab via David Leavitt/Twitter
ariana grande joke twitter david leavitt
Screengrab via David Leavitt/Twitter

At one point, over 30,000 people had replied to his tweet, all to let him know the different ways in which he was being insensitive.


Eventually, he deleted the tweet and apologized, saying, hey, I make these jokes all the time, it’s cool.

But then he decided to take a weird dig at the Twitter swarm against him, in the form of trying to guilt them into donating to a cause he had just mocked.


Then he compared himself to President Donald Trump.


Not … not at all.

The Daily Dot