
Twitch star Alinity Divine’s cat bit her arm—and people celebrated in the name of revenge

Alinity promised her cat she’d stop singing.

Photo of Josh Katzowitz

Josh Katzowitz

Alinity Divine cat bite Twitch

In 2019, Twitch star Alinity Divine streamed herself dribbling vodka into her cat’s mouth. A year later, she was caught throwing her pet to the ground as she was gaming.

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That last incident led to plenty of online outrage and an investigation of her living situation by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. But on Friday, one of her pets got its revenge when, as Alinity sang Aerosmith’s “I Don’t Want To Miss a Thing” on Twitch, the cat took a bite out of her elbow.

As she sang on Friday, her cat appeared out of nowhere and nipped at her right arm. Immediately, Alinity stopped singing and pretended to be in dire pain from the attack. She began mock crying while her cat just looked at her.


The viewers seemed to love it.

“I love how the cat just stands like ‘Whatcha gonna do bout it?’” wrote one YouTube commenter.

“That cat just started a revolution,” wrote another.

“The Cat can tolerate every almost everything but not her voice singing!” opined another.


Though some believed the cat that bit her was Milo—the same one she tossed to the floor last year—it was actually another cat, Maya, who nipped her. But people can sympathize with her pets—especially since Twitch never punished her for the cat-throwing incident. Comedian Ricky Gervais and PETA tweeted their anger at the incident at the time, and Alinity—who has more than 1 million Twitch followers—eventually apologized.

“I understand the concern and I am sorry for my lapses in judgement [sic],” she wrote in 2019. “I shouldn’t have gotten frustrated with Milo, but I dropped him on the floor behind my chair. I’m not that strong. The vodka thing was well over a year ago but it was also a stupid thing to do. I also understand the desire to report me to pet authorities and encourage anyone to do so if they feel pets are being mistreated, by anyone, anywhere. My animals are well loved, and live in a warm and caring home, and I will comply with any authority that seeks to validate this.”

After the SPCA investigation cleared her, the incident eventually faded from public view.


Until Maya decided to attack. And it’s not the first time it’s happened, as Alinity documented on Twitter.

The solution, according to Alinity, is for her to stop singing since that seems to rile up the cat.

“I promise to God I will not sing again,” she told Maya on her stream. “I will not sing ever again.”


Wrote Alinity on Twitter, “Maya and I had a chat, I’m making a promise to stop singing since Maya hates it so much (don’t hold me to this).”

