Internet Culture

100-year-old grandma is better at beer pong than you

Rack ’em again.

Photo of Miles Klee

Miles Klee

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Beer pong is the sport of underage bros and 30-something meatheads trying to relive their college glory days alike—but elderly women? Well, turns out experience goes a long way.

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Consider, for example, Trevor Pope’s grandmother, who kept it 100 for her 100th birthday in Prospect Heights, Illinois, with a backyard game of pong. She pumps the ball just once, then sinks it with an effortless toss. Beautiful arc, nothing but cup.

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Granted, we don’t know how the rest of the game turned out—looks like all of grandma’s Solos were gone, so she may have been battling for some overtime play—but we have no doubt she was chugging like a champ. And probably demanded a rematch. With Roombas.


See you at the bash for her 101st. Bring beers.

The Daily Dot