Issue #154 | July 25, 2023
If you’re anything like me (a creative individual with attention deficits), you’ll remember school days when teachers bemoaned you for having your head in the clouds, with end-of-semester report cards that read: “Grace is great, but has a habit of daydreaming.”
I don’t know about you, but I spend a lot of my days worrying about… well, everything. The blue light, tweets, comments, edits, expectations, and energy congeal in my mind into one stress-filled amorphous blob. Things can feel overwhelming.
Most New Age advice for burnt-out creators centers around mindfulness: Just walk away from the screen, touch grass, meditate 15 minutes a day, and you’ll be fine, champ. No doubt, when you’re chronically online, meditation and sunlight are necessary to maintain sanity. But they’re not what’s keeping us from throwing our phones out the window every day.
It’s dreaming. Sure, IRL I’m in 110-degree Texas weather, inches away from doomspiraling about climate change. But in my mind, I’m in the cool 70s, lying on a beach, riding a bike on a peaceful tree-lined street. There’s always a way out—even if it’s just in your imagination. …
– Grace Stanley, Newsletter Editor
In Today’s Newsletter:
- Twitter Is Now X, the Way Elon Wants It
- New Court Documents Detail Abuse Allegations Against YouTube Prankster Twomad
- Reddit Users Protest CEO In r/Place Demonstration
- TikTok Inches Closer and Closer To Becoming a Record Label Behemoth
- I Tried To Double My TikTok Followers in 30 Days Following Advice From Three Successful Influencers