W.I.T.C.H. rises again to take on the patriarchy, white supremacy, and more
Welcome to the Women’s International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell.
On Jan 30, 2017 by Jaya Saxena
Could doing spells from a Twitter bot help me find my magic?
Depends on how you define magic.
On Sep 3, 2016 by Jaya Saxena
Where to watch tonight’s full moon collide with the Summer Solstice
It’s happening for the first time in 70 years.
On Jun 20, 2016 by Jaya Saxena
How to hex Brock Turner
Witches gathered on Facebook to hex the convicted rapist. Here’s how you can, too.
On Jun 9, 2016 by Jaya Saxena
Witches are feeling the Bern online
Numerous Facebook groups are bringing witches together for Bernie.
On May 16, 2016 by Jaya Saxena
Tumblr’s favorite grave-robbing witch was busted with a bowl full of bones
The witch hunt known as ‘Boneghazi’ came to a thrilling conclusion in January.
On Mar 31, 2016 by Jay Hathaway
Witches put a hex on Martin Shkreli—and it might be working
Double, double, toil and trouble.
On Mar 3, 2016 by Jaya Saxena
Salem witch sues warlock for online harassment
Being a warlock doesn’t mean you’re not a troll.
On Oct 28, 2015 by Jaya Saxena
Why is Adele using a flip phone in the ‘Hello’ video? An investigation
4 reasons why Adele turned to this pre-Obama tech.
On Oct 23, 2015 by Gabe Bergado
Donald Trump will lose all his hair if a spell by Brooklyn witches actually works
These witches are hexing Donald Trump, and you can, too.
On Sep 11, 2015 by Jaya Saxena
Witches are furious at Etsy for banning the sale of spells
The crafts marketplace wants to put an end to hocus pocus, once and for all.
On Jun 16, 2015 by Jaya Saxena
The Internet knows you love the devil
The Black Mass in Oklahoma City tells us what the church has known for years: Satan sells.
On Sep 19, 2014 by Zaron Burnett III
“Scrubs” star reveals relation to Mitt Romney and alleged witch
Actor Zach Braff took to Reddit to announce that both he and Mitt Romney are descendants of a woman falsely accused of witchcraft. Hilarity ensued.
On Mar 1, 2012 by Kris Holt