Veterans should never have to ‘leave a message’ on the VA’s crisis hotline
Why is the VA’s crisis hotline more akin to Ma Bell than Microsoft?
On Mar 10, 2016 by Carlo Munoz
ISIS is losing a war of attrition—on Twitter
Twitter is proving that it’s possible to fight ISIS online.
On Feb 20, 2016 by Kelsey Atherton
Army cyber teams score most gold medals at Pentagon’s yearly hacking tournament
The event is intended to prepare cyberwarriors for digital fights against nations like China.
On Feb 17, 2016 by Patrick Howell O’Neill
Inside the known unknowns of Rumsfeld’s new gaming app
Donald Rumsfeld’s Churchill Solitaire is the gaming app you have, not the one you might want.
On Jan 29, 2016 by Carlo Munoz
Do special operations forces need their own elite cyberwarfare team?
The idea of a creating a cyber ‘A-Team’ is tantalizing, but also challenging.
On Jan 19, 2016 by Carlo Munoz
Can meditation really help alleviate PTSD?
A study says yes—but take it with a grain of salt.
On Jan 13, 2016 by Cynthia McKelvey
Obama’s new online war against ISIS needs a reboot
The new task force isn’t the game changer the White House is so desperately looking for.
On Jan 12, 2016 by Carlo Munoz
The struggle for an education in a world without the Internet
This is what it’s like to grow up in a dangerous, remote part of the Philippines.
On Dec 23, 2015 by Tammy Danan
Why Serial’s Bergdahl podcast misses the mark
Should we be litigating this case via a podcast?
On Dec 22, 2015 by Steve Vladeck
Doctors Without Borders calls for war-crimes investigation over U.S. hospital bombing
‘This was not just an attack on our hospital—it was an attack on the Geneva Conventions.’
On Oct 7, 2015 by Dell Cameron
The troublesome debate over the future of killer robots
There’s a movement to pull the plug on the machines before they advance any further.
On Sep 21, 2015 by Dylan Love
Body of another child refugee has washed ashore in Turkey
Nearly 3,000 migrants have died trying to cross the Mediterranean this year.
On Sep 18, 2015 by Dell Cameron
September 11th, 2001, through the eyes of IRC channels
From computer programmers to Pokemon fans, this is how it went down online.
On Sep 11, 2015 by Joey Keeton
North and South Korea trade artillery fire over the South’s propaganda campaign
It’s the most serious exchange of artillery fire at the heavily armed border in decades.
On Aug 20, 2015 by Patrick Howell O’Neill
Here’s what it would look like if the Hiroshima bomb hit your town
This is frightening.
On Aug 6, 2015 by Kasia Pilat