Now you can combine your Amazon Prime membership with Starz, Cinedigm, and more
Amazon will handle all customer service and manage billing and credit card expirations.
On Dec 9, 2015 by [email protected]
Flix Premiere to challenge Netflix and movie theaters alike with new streaming model
Like Netflix, but only for movies. And curated.
On Oct 15, 2015 by Christine Friar
Discovery Channel founder targets cord cutters with on-demand service
New on-demand service takes aim at lifelong learners.
On Mar 17, 2015 by Allen Weiner
Here’s how you can watch Spike Lee’s ‘Da Blood of Jesus’ before it hits theaters
“This is the future of film distribution. Please join us.”
On Jan 14, 2015 by [email protected]
3 hard lessons Hollywood should learn from ‘The Interview’
The fate of The Interview suggests that simultaneous VOD releases and movie openings might not work out so well for Hollywood.
On Dec 31, 2014 by Gillian Branstetter
How watching a documentary on your couch can benefit kids in Nepal
M-GO helps tell the story of Pushpa Basnet.
On Nov 12, 2014 by Allen Weiner
For Vimeo, the secret to success is the human touch
The careful review and selection process separates Vimeo from such competitors as iTunes, Amazon, and Netflix.
On Sep 29, 2014 by Allen Weiner
Rolling Stones fans can rent official concert footage through Facebook
A new app streams six Stones concert films and documentaries.
On Sep 4, 2014 by Ramon Ramirez