Assassin’s Creed publisher ‘re-examining’ the franchise, not releasing a game this year
The feature film based on the franchise is still scheduled for a December release.
On Feb 12, 2016 by Imad Khan
Ubisoft’s new trailer for Far Cry Primal explains the big changes to the franchise
The long-running series about open worlds and guns is moving in a very different direction.
On Feb 9, 2016 by Dennis Scimeca
How to get the most out of Tom Clancy’s The Division beta this weekend
You have just a short time to play.
On Jan 29, 2016 by Dennis Scimeca
Rainbow Six Siege is tactical fun, but it won’t have lasting appeal
Siege feels like a lost opportunity.
On Dec 9, 2015 by Miguel Concepcion
Ubisoft makes Rayman Adventures free on iOS and Android
This is the third Rayman game from Ubisoft that’s available for mobile devices.
On Dec 3, 2015 by Dennis Scimeca
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate is the return to form fans have been waiting for
Ubisoft rebounds from ‘Assassin’s Creed Unity’ with grace and style.
On Oct 24, 2015 by Miguel Concepcion
Game publisher Ubisoft announces plans for a theme park in Malaysia
Ubisoft has just announced that a theme park centered around its franchises will be coming to Malaysia.
On Sep 8, 2015 by Imad Khan
Toy Soldiers: War Chest is a delightful take on tower defense
Finally, a game about toy soldiers has real toy soldiers.
On Aug 19, 2015 by Dennis Scimeca
Ubisoft is adapting ZombiU for PC, PS4 and Xbox One
One of the most terrifying zombie games in years is getting a much larger audience.
On Jul 31, 2015 by Dennis Scimeca
Remembering the most awkward moments in E3 history
The tech is top-notch. The presentations? Not so much.
On Jun 17, 2015 by Luke Winkie
South Park: The Fractured but Whole is the sequel South Park’s creators didn’t want
Another extended episode of South Park will be transposed onto the video game world.
On Jun 15, 2015 by Dennis Scimeca
Three Tom Clancy shooters dominate Ubisoft’s E3 presentation
Tactical shooters are what Ubisoft’s E3 is all about.
Assassin’s Creed developer Ubisoft is developing games for virtual reality
The CEO revealed his support for VR during an earnings call on Tuesday.
On May 13, 2015 by Dennis Scimeca
Battle snow monsters in Far Cry 4 Valley of the Yeti
The new ‘Far Cry 4’ DLC makes for a stimulating endnote to this harsh winter season.
On Mar 10, 2015 by [email protected]
Ubisoft’s newest game requires doctor’s permission
Ask your doctor if Dig Rush is right for you.
On Mar 5, 2015 by Mike Wehner