This is the machine that could fix the TSA
Tired of free public massages courtesy of the TSA? This may be the solution.
On Jul 14, 2014 by Micah Singleton
Coming to America? Not with a dead phone, TSA says
Flying to the U.S.? Don’t forget your charger.
On Jul 7, 2014 by Micah Singleton
Verne Troyer was searched by the TSA, and it was all caught on camera
“Another day another flight. #TSAstruggles”
On Jun 16, 2014 by Fernando Alfonso III
TSA reportedly searches man’s luggage for bitcoins
Not even a TSA scanner can find a virtual currency.
On Mar 1, 2014 by Dell Cameron
Arab-American rapper tweets about being detained at the airport
Ahmed is a U.S.-born citizen and activist who hails from Chicago and grew up in Lexington, Kentucky.
On Sep 25, 2013 by Dell Cameron
Alleged racial profiling on JetBlue exposed in viral Tumblr post
New stories about TSA misconduct come to light every day. But this one, from Tumblr user Aditya Mukerjee, is particularly horrifying.
On Aug 22, 2013 by Gaby Dunn
The TSA is Instagramming your illicit carryon items
@tsablogteam has taken the lead as the best government-related Instagram account.
On Jul 3, 2013 by Fidel Martinez
Just try to pronounce the name of the TSA’s new website
How do you pronounce “✓™”?
On Apr 30, 2013 by Kevin Morris
Outspoken blogger Arijit Guha loses battle with colon cancer
Guha started the “Poop Strong” campaign to fight colon cancer, and convinced an insurance CEO to cover the entire cost of his cancer treatment.
On Mar 26, 2013 by Fernando Alfonso III
Redditors save stolen iPhone, help arrest airport thief
What do you do if your iPhone is stolen at the airport? Turn to the power of Reddit to get it back, of course.
On Nov 29, 2012 by Mike Fenn
Grad student Guha banned from flight because of T-shirt
Guha made headlines recently tweeting Aetna CEO about cancer treatment.
On Aug 22, 2012 by Fernando Alfonso III
Viral video of TSA toddler patdown is misleading
People were outraged over a video showing the TSA patting down a toddler. But the video was taken more than a year ago.
On Mar 20, 2012 by Fruzsina Eördögh
TSA patdown of trembling toddler sparks outrage
To the dismay of father Matt Dubiel and the YouTube community, the Transportation Security Agency separated a wheelchair-bound three-year-old from his family for an extensive search.
On Mar 19, 2012 by Lauren Rae Orsini
No one’s buying what Blogger Bob’s selling
The TSA’s attempt to respond to a video showing how to get around airport security draws sharply negative responses.
On Mar 8, 2012 by Chase Hoffberger
Blogger dupes the TSA in new video
Jonathan Corbett defeated the TSA’s pricy, hich tech body scanners with one cleverly placed pocket.
On Mar 7, 2012 by Fernando Alfonso III