Judge finds probable cause to charge officers in Tamir Rice shooting
The judge found the evidence sufficient to charge an officer with murder.
On Jun 11, 2015 by Dell Cameron
Why we need to remember Kalief Browder
It’ll take more than a hashtag to bring him justice.
On Jun 9, 2015 by Matthew Rozsa
White people and black people see anti-police protests completely differently
It’s like oil and water on both sides.
On May 4, 2015 by Eric Geller
Civil rights leaders say the fight for justice in Baltimore has just begun
The charges against police in Freddie Gray’s death are a step forward, not a victory.
On May 1, 2015 by Dell Cameron
5 ways to stop police officers from killing unarmed black men
America’s police brutality crisis needs to stop.
On Mar 6, 2015 by Chris Osterndorf
Why it doesn’t matter if the homeless man shot by LAPD reached for the gun
This is how a homeless black man became just another hashtag.
On Mar 4, 2015 by Shawn Carrié
Why police officers use black faces for target practice
Police officers are using black faces as target practice, and that’s only part of the problem.
On Jan 27, 2015 by Olivia A. Cole
Here’s exactly what happened when police shot Tamir Rice
A minute-by-minute look at a tragedy.
On Jan 25, 2015 by The Daily Dot Bazaar
Why black-on-black crime doesn’t invalidate police brutality
You can only be let down so many times before you start to lose hope altogether.
On Jan 15, 2015 by Chris Osterndorf
The 10 most viral sports moments of 2014
The year in viral sports memories is one that took place off the field.
On Dec 25, 2014 by Allen Weiner
Why Hollywood is blaming its racism problem on you
In the industry, black leads don’t matter.
On Dec 19, 2014 by Nico Lang
Why #BlackLivesMatter is nothing like the ALS ice bucket challenge
It’s unfair to compare a nationwide social movement for lasting change to a charity stunt.
On Dec 19, 2014 by Gillian Branstetter
Here’s why this NFL player wore a Tamir Rice T-shirt on the sideline
Cleveland Browns receiver Andrew Hawkins addresses his on-field protests.
On Dec 17, 2014 by Allen Weiner
Cleveland police blast Browns’ Andrew Hawkins for his Tamir Rice shirt
They’re demanding an apology from the Cleveland Browns.
On Dec 15, 2014 by Michelle Jaworski
Tamir Rice’s mother wants the cop who killed her son to be convicted
Will a grand jury indict the cop who killed a 12-year-old boy?
On Dec 9, 2014 by Kevin Collier