White people and black people see anti-police protests completely differently
It’s like oil and water on both sides.
On May 4, 2015 by Eric Geller
Americans really don’t like businesses refusing to serve gay customers
There’s just one exception.
On Apr 27, 2015 by Eric Geller
People talk about Ferguson differently on Twitter and Instagram
Ferguson is a specific place, but it has also become something of a synecdoche.
On Apr 6, 2015 by Eric Geller
Snowden leaks haven’t changed how most Americans use technology
It’s disheartening how little has changed.
On Mar 16, 2015 by Eric Geller
Dating survey concludes that emoji users have more active sex lives
That little winky face is doing more for your sex life than you think.
On Feb 5, 2015 by Greg Seals
If you love bacon, a new survey says you’re behind the times
Survey reveals that bacon is no longer trendy
On Jan 21, 2015 by Allen Weiner
Pew survey finds that social media can heighten our awareness of friends’ stress levels
But stress does increase when we care too much.
On Jan 15, 2015 by Selena Larson
Survey finds that consumers love their wearables
If you don’t own a wearable, what are you even doing?
On Jan 7, 2015 by AJ Dellinger
NSA surveillance is changing what journalists in democracies feel comfortable reporting
Another sign that the NSA has gone too far.
On Jan 5, 2015 by Dell Cameron
25 percent of millennials OK with wearables during sex
You’d think Google Glass is fugly enough to be a form of contraception in itself. But you’d be wrong.
On Dec 11, 2014 by EJ Dickson
Facebook still doesn’t know why we use Facebook
Facebook has some questions for you.
On Dec 10, 2014 by Molly McHugh
Americans continue to hate cable more than any other industry
The biggest offenders are Time Warner Cable, Comcast, and Charter Communications.
On Nov 18, 2014 by Patrick Howell O’Neill
Major cyberattack coming by 2025, experts say
They predict such a massive attack that no one will be safe from harm.
On Oct 31, 2014 by Aaron Sankin
Google scares people more than the NSA, Survata survey shows
People aren’t buying that whole ‘don’t be evil’ thing.
On Oct 27, 2014 by Aaron Sankin
Why is this university asking students about their sex lives?
Clemson students are upset about a new campus-wide survey asking intimate details about their sex lives.
On Sep 19, 2014 by EJ Dickson