A gun-toting FBI agent does backflip on the dance floor, loses gun, accidently fires when he picks it up
It’s all caught on video.
On Jun 3, 2018 by Josh Katzowitz
Here’s why people will be wearing orange this weekend
We need to keep drawing attention to gun violence.
On Jun 1, 2018 by Claire Lampen
Trump supporter brings handgun, American flag to Santa Fe High School hours after shooting
He said he needed to ‘get to the school. Make America great again.’
On May 18, 2018 by Samantha Grasso
The NRA is banning guns during Mike Pence’s upcoming convention speech
Gun-free zones, anyone?
On Apr 29, 2018 by Chris Tognotti
Google replaces pistol with the best water gun emoji yet [updated]
Microsoft is on the hot seat.
On Apr 25, 2018 by Phillip Tracy
Ex-NFL kicker Jay Feely says gun-toting prom photo was a ‘joke’
It did not go over well.
On Apr 22, 2018 by Chris Tognotti
Trump administration moves to ban ‘bump stock’ firearm attachments
He slammed the Obama administration for allowing them.
On Mar 24, 2018 by Kris Seavers
Pennsylvania Senate passes strict gun-control bill aimed at domestic abusers
If passed, convicted domestic abusers must turn over their guns in two days.
On Mar 22, 2018 by Samantha Grasso
Censored on YouTube, popular gun channel moves to Pornhub
The channel’s creators said they’re looking for a ‘safe harbor.’
On Mar 22, 2018 by Ramon Ramirez
Alaska GOP congressman: Jews could’ve stopped the Holocaust with guns
The internet points out this is not only offensive but misinformed.
On Feb 28, 2018 by Ana Valens
Former NFL player Jonathan Martin detained after disturbing Instagram post
Was he threatening his school?
On Feb 24, 2018 by Tess Cagle
Teachers say #ArmMeWith funding and mental healthcare, not guns
Weapons are not going to fix broken learning environments.
On Feb 23, 2018 by Ana Valens
Parkland survivor’s idea to rename AR-15s is a jab at Marco Rubio
She has a point.
On Feb 23, 2018 by David Covucci
Parkland shooting students, parents drag Sen. Marco Rubio at town gun control hall
Meanwhile, Rubio said he stands by his donation from the NRA.
On Feb 22, 2018 by Samantha Grasso
What is a ‘bump stock,’ and why does President Trump want it banned?
Spoiler: It doesn’t mean he’s distancing himself from the NRA.
On Feb 22, 2018 by Ana Valens