Even high school teachers can rock an ‘Uptown Funk’ parody
So. Many. Fedoras.
On Mar 25, 2015 by Dylan Love
High school newspaper fighting censorship after banana condom photo
Yet another case of a school district overreacting.
On Mar 19, 2015 by Dylan Love
Computer classes for Afghanistan’s girls
In a country where women’s education is threatened, this group is bringing the Internet to young women.
On Mar 13, 2015 by Selena Larson
Duluth high school rocked after racist, violent Snapchat goes viral
The racist image was captioned, ‘Gotta hang ‘em all.’
On Mar 10, 2015 by Aja Romano
6-year-old Oregon boy publicly shamed for being tardy
The community offered his family an amazing gift.
On Mar 7, 2015 by Fernando Alfonso III
A kid was reprimanded for coming to school dressed as Christian Grey
Shockingly, the school wasn’t happy about it.
On Mar 6, 2015 by Aja Romano
Taking a virtual-reality tour of the Museum of Stolen Art
Have you seen these missing paintings?
On Mar 3, 2015 by Miles Klee
Someone put a Harry Potter ‘Monster Book of Monsters’ cover on their senior thesis
We wish we could have seen her professor’s face when she turned in this assignment.
On Feb 13, 2015 by Aja Romano
Social media horror story is a reminder that teachers shouldn’t stalk their students
A+ for effort, though.
On Feb 11, 2015 by Miles Klee
Texas school sparks outrage by threatening to expel gay teen vlogger
A private Lutheran school in Texas is facing a media firestorm over forcing 17-year-old Austin Wallis to leave.
On Feb 9, 2015 by Aja Romano
Can you solve this 5-year-old’s homework assignment?
Meet your new dad, Detective Worm. He’s something of a cad. But still pretty rad.
On Feb 7, 2015 by Aja Romano
Why Joyce Carol Oates is completely wrong about ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’
The literary grande dame thinks To Kill a Mockingbird is just overrated YA. She’s half-right.
A Texas school is under fire for allegedly suspending a student for a ‘Hobbit’ reference
The father of a fourth grader claims the boy was suspended for threatening to use the One Ring on a classmate.
On Feb 2, 2015 by Aja Romano
Unvaccinated children and 6 other things we should ban in schools
It’s hard to get your schoolhouse rock on with all this nonsense in the background.
On Feb 2, 2015 by S.E. Smith
Why the Internet loves to laugh at poor black people
America has an education problem, and it’s not just the one you’re thinking of.
On Jan 30, 2015 by Nico Lang