Man shaves head to support pregnant wife during chemotherapy
Redditor slamhead’s wife is pregnant and undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. On Thanksgiving, the two decided to shave their heads together.
On Nov 23, 2012 by Chase Hoffberger
Facebook friends can share your private profile with police, judge rules
The Fourth Amendment doesn’t protect your Facebook communications once you share them with friends, says a U.S District Court Judge.
On Aug 16, 2012 by Michelle Jaworski
How a Twitter user potentially caused a mistrial for a death-row inmate
The Arkansas Supreme Court has called for a mistrial after a juror reportedly tweeted four times during the trial.
On Dec 12, 2011 by Fernando Alfonso III
Casey Anthony $1M TV offer sparks Twitter rage
So what’s an acquitted murder suspect do next? According to Radar Online, Anthony has been offered a cool million to face the very vocal audience of The Jerry Springer Show.
On Jul 8, 2011 by Grant Robertson